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Medway Test

If you'd like your child to be considered for a grammar school they will need to sit the Medway Test.

Once you register your child for the Medway Test, they will sit it and receive their results before the closing date for secondary school applications. This is to help you make an informed decision when applying for secondary schools.

How the test is marked

Each paper is marked to provide ‘raw’ scores.

  • Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning are marked on the number of correct answers
  • Extended Writing is marked against specific criteria

The raw scores are then standardised (weighted) to reflect the child’s age at the time they sit the test. This is to make sure no child is disadvantaged because they're born later in the school year.

Each year a minimum total weighted score is set to determine those assessed as grammar. This score is set at 23 per cent of the children in the year group and differs from year to year depending on the size of the year group.

The minimum score for this year will not be known until after the test has been sat and the scores calculated.

The score for the last few years were:

Admissions year  Minimum score 
 2017  513
 2016  521
 2015  525
 2014  528

The following formula is used to calculate the total weighted score for each child:

Extended Writing standardised score x 2
Mathematics standardised score x 2
Verbal reasoning standardised score x 1
Total weighted score